Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yellow Tag Copy Cat

Do they make parental controls for those of us that spend way too much money shopping online? I seriously need to see a "this website is restricted" pop-up every time I type in Because I don't have such a restriction I can currently awaiting two orders to be delivered to my door. I do give myself props because I shopped the Yellow Tag deals and scored five sweaters, two pairs or earrings and a belt for just $61. Yes, I am currently patting myself on the back. Two of the sweaters are Christmas presents for my mom and the other three will find a nice warm home in my closet. Below are the sweaters I bought along with the looks I plan to copy...

to copy...

...Pam Anderson...who normally looks a hot mess she pulls this look off well. The tan sweater looks fab with the cream scarf and a little Goyard never hurts. (the pic size sucks...its the largest size I could save)

to copy...

...Victoria Beckham who looks amazballs chic. I will probably substitute the heels for clogs or boots but none-the-less I loves it.

this is not quite the same sweater I ordered but it gives the jist to copy...

...Rachel Bilson. This look will be copied head to toe. Love. it. all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fuzzy Feelings

Ok, I am back from hiatus, again. It actually wasn't my fault this time=/ . My laptop went into a coma and never came out. RIP laptop. You were my best friend. I now have a Dell touch screen. Take it from me its much easier to use the keyboard!
On to my fuzzy feeling. Guess what is en route to my house??

This vest caught my eye as I was hunting Forever 21's new arrivals. Lets face it some of the goodies on F21 are sold out within hours of going on the site. I had to put that puppy in my bag and click checkout ASAP. I got a little too shop happy this week though. I made 3 seperate orders on F21 this week...Don't judge me, lol. Here are the pickins I scored:

...and a few other things. I will post reviews after everything arrives.

On to some other things I have been obsessing about lately. Black, beanies, leggings, and big sunglasses.

I love everything about Khloe Kardashian's outfit here. It looks so comfortable yet so stylish.
As far as leggings I would love to find a cute warm pair to wear with boots for the winter. Is there such thing as leggings that don't get the "saggy crotch" effect? I'm keeping my eyes peeled.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Say What Tucker??!!

Today I got some WONDERFUL news via a blog I subscribe to. Tucker is designing a line of clothing for Target!!! Here is what I will be looking forward to wearing come the debut date of September 12:



So excited!!!!

On another note I was off work today and still fighting with this stupid pms so I sat around all day in my pjs looking at celeb pictures and filling my shopping bag at Yes, a very eventful day.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The perfect cure for some MAJAH Sunday afternoon PMS? Cabernet Sauvignon. Thank you, friend.

Still obsessing about fur vests...


Perectly paired with these...

Happy Sunday. =)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wow...I'm in shock...I set-up my blog on Jan 20th and I'm just now making my first post. I need to get with it! I basically started a blog to just post tid-bits about my everyday life and my love for fashion. My inner Zooey Deschanel has been trying to break out for so long and I'm hoping to put my fear of people judging me in a corner (don't worry one is putting you in the corner) and do how I feel and dress as I feel.
I guess I'll start by throwing out a bit about me. I'm 27 (although I always quickly spit out 28 for some reason when people ask???) and I live in a small-little-bitty town in Texas. 1800ish people to be exact. We have a general store, 3 gas stations, and a vfw. Thats all folks. I am a big city girl at heart and have always lived in the 'burbs. Although, when I started dating my boyfriend 5 1/2 years ago I moved to his hometown. Which is where I am at now. We recently built a home together and I am trying to figure out this whole decorating thing...I have to give a huge thank you to Hobby Lobby...I think there is something about the spicy smell when you walk though the doors that just says "your home will look great no matter what you buy from our store." Anyway I'm sure I will post pictures of the inside of my house as soon as I get done decorating (errrrrr...if I ever get done....). Ok so I will quickly finish about myself.....I work for a minor emergency clinic doing billing and coding. I am also the patient coordinator. I am obsessed with tv, wine, and fashion! Ohhh and let me not forget about my children...uhhhh...dogs.... ChiChi and Sidd.

And my first post begins....
My sister introduced me to a blog I am addicted to like crack. Http:// (hope its ok to link)...this girl does the most amazing things with thrift store dresses. I have always wanted to sew and I'm surprised I have never picked it up. My grandma and her daughter (my mom) can sew anything. Its grandmother mailed me and my sister an Easter dress every year thoughout our entire childhood. My mother sewd my entire wardrobe as a child. I can remember starting third grade and my dad took me to JCPenney and let me pick out one sweater. Thats the first time I can remember getting to buy something in the store. Such an exciting (and historical I am really going to consider buying a sewing machine. I mean heck if I follow some McCall's patterns it can't be too hard to make my own clothes, could it??

Today was my first day off work in 7 days....yeah doesn't seem like much but my work days can be 12 to 14 hours long. I needed a break! I've had Casinos on my mind all week and today I finally broke down and went...alone. I won $89 on the penny slots. Woohoo! I had no one to celebrate with I stopped by the store and grabbed a bottle of wine. Who better to celebrate with then wine, duh! =)

One last thing I am going to add to my blog is my "daily fashion obsession." Today is fur vests. I am yerning for one. My mind keeps going back to the vest American Eagle had for the winter 09/10 season. I knew I shoulda bought it...dang it! I am keeping my eyes peeled and any followers keep your eyes peeled too!!